Styled with the image of a battleship in mind, the colour scheme of the website was chosen to match
the grey steel of a battleship, alongside a militaristic green for a modern combat feeling.
Alongside the colour scheme, a minimalistic theme was chosen in order to show the true conciseness of a
combat based profession, thus, the website was modelled to show information as clear and clean as possible.
These choices were made in order to keep as much as a resemblance as possible to a military profession.
Inspired by the board game by Milton Bradley but brought to the modern age, Battleship Blitz is a strategic
gameplay experience in which you attempt to destroy your opponent's fleet before they destroy yours.
This has been modified in this rendition to allow for a more streamlined gameplay experience which you will love.
Keep reading to find out more about these innovative changes.
This game has taken a lot of influence from classic Battleships as you would expect but with a whole host
of new twists on the classic.
Firstly, not being able to see your opponents ships is a thing of the past, all ships are visible turning
this into a race to defeat your opponent's ships before all of yours are gone.
Secondly, friendly-fire is enabled so be careful not to destroy your own ships in the crossfire.
Finally, both you and your enemy will be attacking at the same time, no turns to take, this ensures that
the gameplay stays chaotic and fast-paced.
Level Design:
You can't have battleship without a board! and for the first time, said board is 3D.
We have water, we have ships and we have a reticle for each player. The ships will be placed into the water
and cannot move out of bounds.
The level also contains UI elements to dictate when the players are ready, and once the game has commenced,
the amount of ships left for each player will be viewable.
Technical Design:
The game has been developed using: Javascript, the Phaser 3 Framework and the enable3D plug-in for phaser.
This has been implanted into the website which was made using: HTML5 and CSS.
All of this will be modified using the JetBrains Webstorm IDE.
In order to keep a clear schedule Trello was used, this also allowed us to allocate tasks effectively.
As for version control, GitHub was used.
This allowed us to review changes each of us made and remove anything that caused issues.